5 Reasons Why Corporate Communications Needs Video

The digital age has elevated corporate communications to the next level — and brought along with it fresh challenges. Communication within and outside the company has only grown in importance with globalization, frequent organizational change and a greater propensity for crises hanging in the air.

So why not use a product of the digital age to make sure that your communications department is always at the top of its game? Video technologies today have the power to transform communication in radical ways. From connecting employees in different continents together to maintaining the company’s brand, modern video platforms house features that are especially suited to corporate communication needs.

Let us convince you that your corporate communications strategy cannot do without video technology.

Greater Transparency

One big consequence of the digital age is that corporate stakeholders have begun to demand greater transparency in the needs, goals and challenges of the company. Stakeholders are now pushing for more and frequent information about their own roles in the company, especially in relation to the larger goals of the organization. With modern video platforms, you can can create and store videos, send them to stakeholders across the board, and even feature an appearance from the company’s senior leadership to add an air of credibility to your content — all within a matter of minutes.

Crisis Management

With the rise of social media, it is easy for a company’s reputation to be on the line — be it a viral news article, a leaked document or an edited picture. Modern video platforms help you fight fire with fire. For one thing, studies have consistently found that video is the most human, visually appealing, and fail-proof way to spread information. For another, modern videos are immensely shareable and can help your content reach thousands at once. Your crisis management strategy is only as good as your video technology.

Easy Globalization

Globalization means the need for a greater and stronger network across countries and continents. This network demands a greater reliance on digital platforms for communication activities, which in turn means that video technology is more important than ever. The biggest advantage that modern video technology offers here is convenience. Large documents and memos that take hours to write, edit, and read chip time and energy off your productivity. Instead, you can simply record a meeting, live-stream a conference, or report your feedback and thoughts in a video and share it to thousands across the company, who can view your video anytime, anywhere, and from any device.

Company wide Communication

In a fast-paced and multi-layered organization, quick communication is crucial. This communication network has grown in importance because of the changing nature of the workforce: today, more millennial employees are demanding better communication and direct accountability from top leadership. Modern video technology is the simplest way to accomplish this change in communications needs. With quick recording, easy storage, instant shareability and all round accessibility, you can keep everyone in the loop with simple, open communication and frequent video updates.

Organizational Change

Organizational change is never easy, but video helps you lighten the load. Corporate restructuring requires extensive communication within and outside of the company to assuage fears, uncertainty and doubt. Videos can be an incredibly convenient tool to publish shareable and comprehensible information about the change on a regular basis. But there’s more: studies have consistently found that video is a powerful and human medium of storytelling. This means that with video, top leadership voices can reach employees of all levels in an honest and human way that no other medium can make possible.

All in all, video has the power to make corporate communications smoother, faster, and more effective. Whether it is combating the fallout of globalization or a changing workforce, modern video technology helps you stay prepared for every kind of challenge that the digital age can throw at you.

Without video, your strategy lacks a core. With video, you are part of a rapidly changing communication landscape.